Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah(TMII)


• Taman Mini Indonesia Indah/TMII (literally translated: “Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park”) is a recreation area and park which is the synopsis of virtual aspects of Indonesian life, representing the cultures, natures and heritages of Indonesian people. TMII located at an area called Pondok Gede, East Jakarta, with total width of 165 hectares.

It was on 13th March 1970 in a meeting in the residence of President Soeharto (the 2nd President of Indonesia), Mrs. Siti Hartinah Soeharto, President Soeharto’s wife, proposed an idea of creating a way to raise the senses of nationality, devotion and proud of Indonesia among Indonesian people. The idea was then realized by constructing a recreation area which represents the wealth and beauty of Indonesia in miniatures, which named Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII). The construction of TMII was started in 1971, and officially open on 20th April, 1975

• Tmii, Rest Area is located near Tol Jagorawi; near Tol Jagorawi; near Taman Mini; 0.6 kilometre away from Pondik Gede Raya; 0.8 kilometre away from Pondik Gede; Tmii, Rest Area is geographically located at latitude (-6.2956 degrees) 6° 17' 44" South of the Equator and longitude (106.8816 degrees) 106° 52' 53" East of the Prime Meridian on the Map of Jakarta.

• The locations related to Tmii, Rest Area are represented by the path the bullet takes from the muzzle of the gun to the target and may not be nearest by road. For example, Tmii, Rest Area is located 0.5 kilometre from Tmi Utama, Exit. Tmii, Rest Area is located 0.5 kilometre from Taman Mini. Tmii, Rest Area is located 1.3 kilometre from Museum Indonesia. Tmii, Rest Area is located 1.3 kilometre from Museum Olahraga. Tmii, Rest Area is located 1.4 kilometre from Museum Informasi.
Traditional Pavilions
• The traditional pavilions appear as traditional houses and buildings from 26 provinces in Indonesia. The pavilions are supplemented with ornaments and motifs from each territory. They are also equipped with traditional furniture that is unique to each territory. Some pavilions you could see in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah are including traditional house of Tongkonan from Tana Toraja, Bolon from Batak Toba, Bagonjong from West Sumatera, Joglo from Java, and Lamin from Dayak Ethnic at East Kalimantan. Since there are 26 provinces represented at TMII, hence there’re also 26 pavilions in there. However, there’s a plan to construct six more pavilions which will represent six new provinces in Indonesia.

There are 15 units of museum in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, as follow:
• Indonesian Museum
• Military Museum
• Stamp Museum
• Heirloom Museum
• Transportation Museum
• Power and New Energy Museum
• Telecommunication Museum
• Information Museum
• Sport Museum
• Asmat Museum
• Komodo Museum
• Insect Museum
• Science and Technology Display Museum
• Oil and Gas मुसयूम

You could enjoy 11 units of parks in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah:
• Orchid Park
• Living Pharmacy Park
• Cokot Park
• Cactus Park
• Jasmine Park
• Keong Emas Flower Park
• Fresh Water Aquarium Park
• Bekisar Park
• Bird Park
• APEC Inscription Park
• Seven Pillars बिल्डिंग

The recreation facilities you could enjoy in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah are:
• Indonesian Children Castile
• Swan Boat of Indonesia
• Among Putro Park
• Ria Atmaja Park
• Ambar Tirta Swimming Pool
• Keong Emas Imax Theater
• Wisata Village
• Tanah Airku ठेअटर

• You could get around Taman Mini Indonesia Indah by walking, driving personal vehicle, renting bicycle or using transportation facilities provided by Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Transportation facilities provided by Taman Mini Indonesia Indah are including TMII ride that brings people to travel around TMII, mini train, Samirono passageway train, swan boat, and cable car (named Sky Lift Indonesia).
• Weekend and holidays always been the peak season at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. If you’re not a type of person who enjoys crowds, it’s recommended to visit Taman Mini Indonesia Indah on weekdays.
• Since the recreation area in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is wide enough, it’s good for you to start your trip there since morning.
• Do not forget to bring umbrella or hat to protect you head from sun, especially if you intend to get around by walk.
• As far as possible please wear flexible footwear which you could wear and un-wear easily. When you enter the pavilion you’re not allowed to wear footwear.
• The easiest transportation to reach Taman Mini Indonesia Indah so far is by taxi

Restoran Caping Gunung
Di seberang Miniatur Arsipel Indonesia terdapat bangunan dengan bentuk caping. Bangunan ini ialah Restoran Caping Gunung. Selain makanan, pengunjung rumah makan ini dapat menikmati pemandangan arsipel melalui jendela kaca yang terdapat sepanjang sisi bangunan.
Rumah makan ini selain untuk umum, juga sering digunakan untuk menjamu tamu-tamu yang dihormati. Arsitektur bangunan menunjukkan sikap hemat energi dengan penerangan yang berasal dari matahari langsung melalui atap di puncak caping yang terbuat dari bahan tembus cahaya. Karena ketinggian bagian atap, ruangan pun menjadi sejuk.
Pasar Tiban
Beberapa warung kecil dibangun di satu kompleks. Warung ini menyediakan makanan dan minuman dengan berbagai variasi yang dapat dijangkau oleh rakyat kecil. Dengan harga yang relatif murah, pengunjung dapat memenuhi kebutuhan makannya dan memperoleh kenikmatan masakan yang disediakan. Puluhan warung makan ini tersebar di areal TMII
Warung Umum
Selama di dalam Taman Mini "Indonesia Indah", pengunjung tidak perlu khawatir akan menderita kelaparan atau kehausan. Setiap hari ada puluhan warung yang menyediakan makanan dan minuman dari segala masakan. Warung-warung ini terletak tersebar di berbagai bagian TMII. sehingga bila diperlukan pengunjung dapat menemukan warung-warung makan ini tidak terlalu jauh dari tempatnya berdiri.
Harga makanan telah diatur oleh Pusat Pengelolaan TMII. Oleh karena itu harganya pasti terjangkau dan makanannya cukup memuaskan.
Desa Wisata
Pengunjung TMII bukan saja berasal dari Jakarta dan sekitarnya yang dapat kembali dalam sehari. Tidak sedikit yang datang dari luar kota, bahkan luar Jawa. Untuk keperluan menginap di TMII, disediakan penginapan dengan lingkungan bersih dan alami serta biaya inap yang ringan. Desa Wisata ini mengutamakan para pemuda yang tergabung dalam perhimpunan atau dalam kelompok.
Pada kenyataannya, Desa Wisata ini telah melayani bukan hanya pemuda dan pelajar, tetapi juga pelaksanaan pertemuan ilmiah, sosial, agama dan lain-lainnya, sehingga perannya sebagai penyedia akomodasi sangat tepat dan bermanfaat. Untuk menampung kebutuhan penyelenggaraan pertemuan dan sarasehan atau seminar, di kompleks ini tersedia aula yang cukup besar, yang dapat menampung paling sedikit 400 orang, disertai panggung dan perlengkapan lainnya.
Secara keseluruhan Desa Wisata memiliki 31 pondok yang dapat menampung 416 tamu. Ruangan makan juga tersedia dengan hidangan yang dapat dipesan. Selain itu, ada pula teater terbuka yang dapat digunakan untuk pentas seni drama tari dan pertunjukan kesenian lainnya.
Tarif penginapan:
Tarif penginapan:
Pelajar/mahasiswa Rp. 10.000,-/orang/ hari
Umum Rp. 15.000,-/orang/hari
Tersedia 408 tempat tidur (standar) Harga untuk pondok khusus :
Standar untuk 2 orang Rp. 55.000,-/ kamar
Standar untuk 4 orang Rp. 75.000,-/ kamar
Pondok Keluarga/Cottege (Full AC) Rp.250.000,-/pondok/hari
Standar AC untuk 8 orang @ Rp.400.000,-
Standar AC untuk 6 orang @ Rp.300.000,-
Extra Bed @Rp.35.000,-/bed
Graha Wisata Remaja

Sarana inap di TMII juga mencakup Graha Wisata Remaja. Pembangunannya dimaksudkan untuk menyediakan tempat penginapan dengan biaya terjangkau. Graha ini sangat cocok untuk kelompok pelajar dan lapisan masyarakat yang memiliki anggaran terbatas. Akan tetapi, walaupun biaya inap murah, pelayanan kepada tamu diberikan dengan sebaik-baiknya. Fasilitas yang tersedia cukup menjamin kenyamanan dan keamanan.
Lokasi graha ini strategis, karena dekat dengan beberapa fasilitas di TMII. Tempat makan WAJASERA, stasiun kereta gantung, kolam renang dan beberapa museum mudah dicapai dengan berjalan kaki. Terminal mobil keliling yang selalu siap melayani pengunjung juga dekat dengan graha ini.
Tarif penginapan:
- Pelajar/Mahasiswa Rp. 5.000,-/orang/hari
- Umum Rp.15000,- /orang/hari
Tersedia 280 tempat tidur (standar)
-Khusus untuk 2 orang Full AC (Umum) Rp. 60.000,-/orang/hari
-Khusus untuk 2 orang Full AC (pelajar) Rp. 20.000,-/orang/hari
Padepokan Pencak Silat
Kini telah ada fasilitas pondok penginapan baru di Padepokan Pencak Silat
Tarif penginapan:
Kamar Standar (96 kamar) :
* Perorangan Rp. 175.000,-/5 orang
*Rombongan diatas 50 orang Rp. 140.000,-/5 orang
*Pelajar/mahasiswa/Guru/ ABRI Rp. 125.000,-/5 orang ,-
*VIP (10 double bed & 29 Twin bed) Rp. 150.000/kamar
Ruang Rapat :
- Ruang rapat 10 orang Rp. 150.000,-
- Ruang rapat 70 orang Rp. 350.000,-
- Ruang rapat 100 orang Rp. 500.000,-

Tempat Wisata Harga Tiket
Pintu Masuk Rata-rata ( di atas 3th) Rp 9,000
Mobil Rp 10,000
Motor Rp 6,000
Bus/Truk Rp 15,000
Sepeda Rp 1,000
Istana Anak-anak Indonesia Pintu Masuk Rp 4,000
Kereta Api Kelinci Rp 3,500
Mandi Bola Rp 2,500
Kolam Renang Rp 3,500
Telepon Cerita Rp 3,000
Perahu Angsa Arsipel Indonesia Perahu rata-rata Rp 6,500
Sepeda Air rata-rata Rp 5,000
Teater Imax Keong Emas Umum / Biasa Rp 30,000
VIP / Balkon Rp 50,000
Desa Wisata Penginapan Pelajar, Mahasiswa per hari Rp 10,000
Penginapan Umum per hari Rp 15,000
Pondok Khusus Standard 2 org per hari Rp 55,000
Pondok Khusus Standard 4 org per hari Rp 75,000
Pondok Keluarga Full AC per hari Rp 250,000
Transportasi TMII Kereta Api Mini Rp 5,000
Charter mobil kecil keliling per jam Rp 30,000
Charter mobil besar/bus keliling per jam Rp 75,000
Titihan Samirono/Aeromovel Rata-rata Rp 8,500
Sky Lift Indonesia Terminal A-B-C Rp 20,000
Terminal C-B-A Rp 20,000
Terminal C-B-C Rp 20,000
Taman Anggrek Rata-rata Rp 2,000
Taman Apotik Hidup Rata-rata Rp 1,000
Taman Kaktus Rata-rata Rp 1,000
Taman Bunga Keong Emas Rata-rata Rp 4,000
Taman Akuarium Air Tawar Rata-rata Rp 10,000
Taman Bekisar Rata-rata Rp 1,000
Taman Burung Rata-rata Rp 7,000
Museum Indonesia Rata-rata Rp 3,500
Museum Keprajuritan Rata-rata Rp 1,500
Museum Prangko Indonesia Rata-rata Rp 2,000
Museum Pusaka Rata-rata Rp 2,000
Museum Transportasi Rata-rata Rp 2,000
Museum Listrik dan Energi Baru Rata-rata Rp 2,000
Museum Telekomunikasi Rata-rata Rp 2,000
Museum Penerangan Rata-rata Rp 2,000
Museum Olah Raga Rata-rata Rp 2,000
Museum Asmat Rata-rata Rp 4,000
Bayt Al-Qur'an dan Museum Istiqlal Anak-anak Rp 1,000
Dewasa Rp 2,000

The History of TMII
It was Siti Hartinah Soeharto “ intimately called Madame Tien Soeharto, who had the idea to initiate the building of a tourism area Taman Mini œIndonesia Indah�, inspired by the speech of President Soeharto who suggested a balance in the development of the physical-economical and mental-spiritual field.
As Chairperson of the Harapan Kita Foundation, established on August 28, 1968, Madame Tien Soeharto conveyed the idea of building the Indonesia in Miniature in the Board meeting of the Harapan Kita Foundation held on March 13, 1970 at Jl. Cendana 8, Jakarta. The project should contain the main construction in the form of regional traditional houses completed with cultural-art performances, presentations of the wealth of flora and fauna and other cultural elements of each region existing in Indonesia. The idea is based, among others to raise the pride and sense of love for the nation and country and to introduce Indonesia to the other nations in the world.

On January 30, 1971 at the closing of the Working Conference of the Governors, Regents and Mayors from all over Indonesia at the œIstana Negara� State Palace, also attended by the President, Madame Tien Soeharto accompanied by Mr. Amir Mahmud, Minister of Internal Affairs at her side, explained for the first time in public, the purpose and objectives of building the œIndonesia Indah� Miniature of Indonesia. Various suggestions, responses and ideas came from numerous groups of the community which mostly supported the development of the project.
On August 11, 1971 Madame Tien Soeharto assigned the Nusa Consultants, with a letter from the Harapan Kita Foundation, to do the master plan and feasibility study. The task was finished within 3,5 months.
At first, the location of the TMII project was in the Cempaka Putih area with a space of about 14 ha. However, Ali Sadikin, Governor of the Special Capital District of Jakarta, suggested a location in the surroundings of Pondok Gede, Pasar Rebo Sub-district with a space of about 100 hectares. Besides being larger, the location also keeps up with the future development of Jakarta. Madame Tien Soeharto accepted the suggestion, because the larger space will enable the Indonesia Miniature project to present the regional traditional houses and other buildings in their actual size.
On June 30, 1972 TMII started to be built in several phases, continuously. The design of the main construction, in the form of a relief map of Indonesia in Miniature with the water supply, the Pancasila Flame Monument, the Joglo structure and the Management Building, has been prepared by Nusa Consultants including the roads and preparing lots for each building; while the design of other buildings such as various regional pavilions is carried out by different Architectural Firms; Nusa Consultants only assist in keeping harmony in its totality.
Thanks to the mutual cooperation of all national potentials, the community around the location, the central and regional governments, the private sector and other elements of the community, the first phase of the construction of TMII can be said to be finished in 3 (three) years.
On April 20,1975 Taman Mini œIndonesia Indah� was officially opened by President Soeharto.
Transportation : How to get to TMII
It is quite easy to reach the TMII tourism area. You can take the public transportation from various directions going to TMII. It is only 5 (five)Â minutes from Kampung Rambutan Bus Terminal, 30 minutes from Blok M Bus Terminal, 40 minutes from Senen, Pulogadung and Grogol Bus Terminals, and 30 minutes by private cars or taxi taking the toll road from the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Cengkareng.
Several public transportations passing by TMII in the direction to Kampung Rambutan, Pinang Ranti and Cipayung East Jakarta, are among others :
- Transjakarta Busway from Blok MÂ Bus Terminal to Kampung Rambutan
- Transjakarta Busway from Kota to Kampung Rambutan
- Transjakarta Busway from Pulogadung to Kampung Rambutan
- Transjakarta Busway from Senen to Kampung Rambutan
- Mayasari Bakti City Bus from Pasar Baru to Pinang Ranti
- Mayasari Bakti City Bus from Grogol to Kampung Rambutan
- Patas AC City Bus No.10 from Dukuh Atas to Kampung Rambutan
- Metro Mini No. T. 45 from Pulogadung to Pondok Gede
- KWK S. No. 15 A Urban Transport from Ragunan to TMII
- KWK T. No. 01 Urban Transport from Cililitan to Bambu Apus
- KWK T. No. 02 Urban Transport from Cililitan to Cipayung
- KWK T. No. 05 Urban Transport from Cililitan to Setu
- KWK P. No. 15 Urban Transport from Cililitan to Cilangkap
- KWK T. No. 40 Urban Transport from Bekasi to Kampung Rambutan
- KWK S. No. 19 Urban Transport from Depok to Pinang रंति


The bulk of the facilities at TMII is made up of the regional pavilions. With more than twenty five pavilions to walk through, representative of the architecture of each province of Indonesia, the visitor is provided a very unique opportunity to view the breadth and scale of the full range of regional architecture. Each pavilion presents at least three typical examples of the regional style it represents.

Don`t have the time or the fortitude to venture to distant or out-ot-the-way locations? No need. Visit every pavilion and you will come away with a very clear impression of the diversity and richness of Indonesian architectural and living styles. To point out just a view, there is the `Bogonjong` house of the Ranah Minang from West Sumatra, a `Lamin` of the Dayak people from deep in the interior of East Kalimantan, a `Tongkongan` from Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, a traditional Batak `Bolon` house from North Sumatra; a `Joglo` house from Central Java.
pavilion of Shoutheast sulawesi

Recreation Facilities
Flora and Fauna Parks
Structure and Monument
Palaca and Other Building
Places for Praying

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII)

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah/TMII (literally translated: “Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park”) is a recreation area and park which is the synopsis of virtual aspects of Indonesian life, representing the cultures, natures and heritages of Indonesian people. TMII located at an area called Pondok Gede, East Jakarta, with total width of 165 hectares.
It was on 13th March 1970 in a meeting in the residence of President Soeharto (the 2nd President of Indonesia), Mrs. Siti Hartinah Soeharto, President Soeharto’s wife, proposed an idea of creating a way to raise the senses of nationality, devotion and proud of Indonesia among Indonesian people. The idea was then realized by constructing a recreation area which represents the wealth and beauty of Indonesia in miniatures, which named Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII). The construction of TMII was started in 1971, and officially open on 20th April, 1975.
Traditional Pavilions
The traditional pavilions appear as traditional houses and buildings from 26 provinces in Indonesia. The pavilions are supplemented with ornaments and motifs from each territory. They are also equipped with traditional furniture that is unique to each territory. Some pavilions you could see in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah are including traditional house of Tongkonan from Tana Toraja, Bolon from Batak Toba, Bagonjong from West Sumatera, Joglo from Java, and Lamin from Dayak Ethnic at East Kalimantan. Since there are 26 provinces represented at TMII, hence there’re also 26 pavilions in there. However, there’s a plan to construct six more pavilions which will represent six new provinces in Indonesia.

There are 15 units of museum in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, as follow:
• Indonesian Museum
• Military Museum
• Stamp Museum
• Heirloom Museum
• Transportation Museum
• Power and New Energy Museum
• Telecommunication Museum
• Information Museum
• Sport Museum
• Asmat Museum
• Komodo Museum
• Insect Museum
• Science and Technology Display Museum
• Oil and Gas मुसयूम

You could enjoy 11 units of parks in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah:
• Orchid Park
• Living Pharmacy Park
• Cokot Park
• Cactus Park
• Jasmine Park
• Keong Emas Flower Park
• Fresh Water Aquarium Park
• Bekisar Park
• Bird Park
• APEC Inscription Park
• Seven Pillars Building
• even Pillars Building

Recreation Facilities
The recreation facilities you could enjoy in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah are:
• Indonesian Children Castile
• Swan Boat of Indonesia
• Among Putro Park
• Ria Atmaja Park
• Ambar Tirta Swimming Pool
• Keong Emas Imax Theater
• Wisata Village
• Tanah Airku Theater

You could get around Taman Mini Indonesia Indah by walking, driving personal vehicle, renting bicycle or using transportation facilities provided by Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Transportation facilities provided by Taman Mini Indonesia Indah are including TMII ride that brings people to travel around TMII, mini train, Samirono passageway train, swan boat, and cable car (named Sky Lift Indonesia).

• Weekend and holidays always been the peak season at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. If you’re not a type of person who enjoys crowds, it’s recommended to visit Taman Mini Indonesia Indah on weekdays.
• Since the recreation area in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is wide enough, it’s good for you to start your trip there since morning.
• Do not forget to bring umbrella or hat to protect you head from sun, especially if you intend to get around by walk.
• As far as possible please wear flexible footwear which you could wear and un-wear easily. When you enter the pavilion you’re not allowed to wear footwear.
• The easiest transportation to reach Taman Mini Indonesia Indah so far is by taxi.

Tmii, Rest Area

Tmii, Rest Area is located near Tol Jagorawi; near Tol Jagorawi; near Taman Mini; 0.6 kilometre away from Pondik Gede Raya; 0.8 kilometre away from Pondik Gede; Tmii, Rest Area is geographically located at latitude (-6.2956 degrees) 6° 17' 44" South of the Equator and longitude (106.8816 degrees) 106° 52' 53" East of the Prime Meridian on the Map of Jakarta.
The locations related to Tmii, Rest Area are represented by the path the bullet takes from the muzzle of the gun to the target and may not be nearest by road. For example, Tmii, Rest Area is located 0.5 kilometre from Tmi Utama, Exit. Tmii, Rest Area is located 0.5 kilometre from Taman Mini. Tmii, Rest Area is located 1.3 kilometre from Museum Indonesia. Tmii, Rest Area is located 1.3 kilometre from Museum Olahraga. Tmii, Rest Area is located 1.4 kilometre from Museum Informasi.
museum keprajuritan

Tempat Wisata Harga Tiket

Pintu Masuk Rata-rata ( di atas 3th) Rp 9,000
Mobil Rp 10,000
Motor Rp 6,000
Bus/Truk Rp 15,000
Sepeda Rp 1,000

Istana Anak-anak Indonesia Pintu Masuk Rp 4,000
Kereta Api Kelinci Rp 3,500
Mandi Bola Rp 2,500
Kolam Renang Rp 3,500
Telepon Cerita Rp 3,000

Perahu Angsa Arsipel Indonesia Perahu rata-rata Rp 6,500
Sepeda Air rata-rata Rp 5,000

Teater Imax Keong Emas Umum / Biasa Rp 30,000
VIP / Balkon Rp 50,000

Desa Wisata Penginapan Pelajar, Mahasiswa per hari Rp 10,000
Penginapan Umum per hari Rp 15,000
Pondok Khusus Standard 2 org per hari Rp 55,000
Pondok Khusus Standard 4 org per hari Rp 75,000
Pondok Keluarga Full AC per hari Rp 250,000

Transportasi TMII Kereta Api Mini Rp 5,000
Charter mobil kecil keliling per jam Rp 30,000
Charter mobil besar/bus keliling per jam Rp 75,000

Titihan Samirono/Aeromovel Rata-rata Rp 8,500

Sky Lift Indonesia Terminal A-B-C Rp 20,000
Terminal C-B-A Rp 20,000
Terminal C-B-C Rp 20,000

Taman Anggrek Rata-rata Rp 2,000

Taman Apotik Hidup Rata-rata Rp 1,000

Taman Kaktus Rata-rata Rp 1,000

Taman Bunga Keong Emas Rata-rata Rp 4,000

Taman Akuarium Air Tawar Rata-rata Rp 10,000

Taman Bekisar Rata-rata Rp 1,000

Taman Burung Rata-rata Rp 7,000

Museum Indonesia Rata-rata Rp 3,500

Museum Keprajuritan Rata-rata Rp 1,500

Museum Prangko Indonesia Rata-rata Rp 2,000

Museum Pusaka Rata-rata Rp 2,000

Museum Transportasi Rata-rata Rp 2,000

Museum Listrik dan Energi Baru Rata-rata Rp 2,000

Museum Telekomunikasi Rata-rata Rp 2,000

Museum Penerangan Rata-rata Rp 2,000

Museum Olah Raga Rata-rata Rp 2,000

Museum Asmat Rata-rata Rp 4,000

Bayt Al-Qur'an dan Museum Istiqlal Anak-anak Rp 1,000
Dewasa Rp 2,000
Untuk informasi mengenai tiket
Anda dapat juga menghubungi kami melalui email : atau menghubungi nomor berikut: 021-8409214, 8409210, 8409270, 8409236, 8409239, Fax: 84000709
average entrance (above 3th) rp 9,000
car rp 10,000
motor rp 6,000
bus/truck rp 15,000
bike rp 1,000

entrance indonesia children palace rp 4,000
rabbit train rp 3,500
bathe ball rp 2,500
swimming pool rp 3,500
story telephone rp 3,000

goose boat arsipel average boat indonesia rp 6,500
average water bike rp 5,000

theater imax general gold snail / usually rp 30,000
vip / balcony rp 50,000

student inn tour village, student university per day rp 10,000
general inn per day rp 15,000
standards special hovel 2 org per day rp 55,000
standards special hovel 4 org per day rp 75,000
family hovel full ac per day rp 250,000

transportation tmii train mini rp 5,000
charter around little car per hour rp 30,000
charter around big/bus car per hour rp 75,000

titihan samirono/aeromovel average rp 8,500

sky terminal indonesia elevator a-b-c rp 20,000
terminal c-b-a rp 20,000
terminal c-b-c rp 20,000

average orchid park rp 2,000

average alive dispensary park rp 1,000

average cactus park rp 1,000

average gold snail flowerbed rp 4,000

average fresh water aquarium park rp 10,000

park bekisar average rp 1,000

average bird park rp 7,000

average indonesia museum rp 3,500

museum keprajuritan average rp 1,500

museum prangko average indonesia rp 2,000

average heritage museum rp 2,000

average transportation museum rp 2,000

electricity museum and average new energy rp 2,0 com or contact number next: 021-8409214,8409210,8409270,8409236,8409239, fax: 84000709

Istana Anak-anak Indonesia

Dunia mimpi hadir buat anak-anak Indonesia dipersembahkan oleh TMII. Nikmati keanggunan kisah-kisah pangeran dan putri di istana anak-anak. Kisah-kisah dipersembahkan dalam lukisan-lukisan yang sambung menyambung bercerita.

Perahu Angsa Arsipel Indonesia

Dengan perahu berbentuk angsa, kita bisa berkeliling di danau yang indah yang berisi pulau-pulau sesuai dengan peta kepulauan Indonesia, sehingga kita bisa menikmati indahnya pemandangan di danau sambil belajar geografi kepulauan di Indonesia

Taman Among Putro

Masih di dunia anak-anak. TMII menyediakan arena dan sarana khusus untuk rekreasi anak-anak. Kesehatan adalah pangkal kebahagiaan. oleh karena itu Taman Among Putro menyediakan sarana hiburan bagi anak-anak sekaligus membina kesehatan mereka. Dilengkapi alat-alat bermain dan hiburan dengan tenaga listrik dan mesin, taman ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh anak- anak untuk kegembiraan mereka.

Taman Ria Atmaja

Arena hiburan yang ditampilkan khusus ini, adalah arena yang dilengkapi panggung pergelaran setinggi 1.5 meter dengan luas 60 m2 di areal seluas lebih kurang 4000 meter persegi yang dikenal pengunjung TMII sebagai TERMINAL DANGDUT sejak tahun 1985.

Taman Renang Ambar Tirta

Agar pengunjung terutama anak-anak dapat memanfaatkan keberadaan TMII sebagai arena yang menyediakan sarana olah raga, di sini juga dibangun sebuah kolam renang yang diberi nama Ambar Tirta. Di kolam renang ini disediakan pelatih yang dapat mengajari anak-anak untuk dapat berenang dengan cara yang baik dan benar.

Teater Imax Keong Emas

Gedung yang sangat khas berbentuk keong raksasa merupakan tempat pemutaran dan pertunjukan film khusus dengan teknologi canggih. Beberapa film tersedia untuk diputar di Teater Imax Keong Emas.

Desa Wisata

Pengunjung TMII bukan saja berasal dari Jakarta dan sekitarnya yang dapat kembali dalam sehari. Tidak sedikit yang datang dari luar kota, bahkan luar Jawa. Untuk keperluan menginap di TMII, disediakan penginapan dengan lingkungan bersih dan alami serta biaya inap yang ringan.

Transportasi TMII

Beragam sarana transportasi TMII seperti mobil keliling, kereta api mini, kereta gantung, kereta titian samirono, perahu angsa , ojek, memberikan kemudahan dan kenyaman pengunjung dalam mengelilingi dan menjelajah TMII.

Titihan Samirono/Aeromovel

Yang ada di TMII bukan sebatas objek tak bergerak. Aeromovel merupakan salah satu objek yang bergerak itu. Aeromovel merupakan kereta ayang lintas cepat uang menjadi salah satu contoh bagi transportasi massal yang efektif dan bisa dikembangkan untuk Indonesia saat ini.

Sky Lift Indonesia (Kereta Gantung)

Melalui Sky Lift atau kereta gantung yang membentang dari ujung ke ujung kompleks TMII, para pengunjung bisa melihat replika gugusan pulau-pulau yang mengisi nusantara raya Indonesia dari udara. Replika gugusan pulau-pulau itu dinamakan Arsipel Indonesia. Ada pulau besar, ada pulau kecil, ada pula perairan laut dan samudera yang menjadi kekayaan alam Indonesia.

Teater Tanah Airku

Teater T anah Airku merupakan bangunan teater pertama di Indonesia dengan kelengkapan teknologi maju yang berstandar internasional. Bentuk bangunannya merupakan perpaduan antara estetika khas Indonesia dengan konsep estetis internasional. Bukan saja berbagai ornamennya mengandung unsut gunungan ala wayang kulit Jawa, atap ala rumah adat di Sumatera dan Sulawesi, serta subkultur Dayak di Kalimantan, tetapi tata suara, tata cahaya, serta kelengkapan tata panggung yangbiasa dipergunakan di gedunggedung teater modern di dunia bersambungan secara harmonis dalam Teater Tanah Airku ini.

Panggung Parkir Utara

Panggung Parkir Utara adalah panggung permanen untuk berbagai kegiatan pertunjukan hiburan bagi pengunjung. Terletak bersebelahan dengan alun-alun (plaza) Tugu Api Paneasila dan termasuk dalam kawasan area Parkir Utara. Panggung terbuka ini dibangun atas peran serta perusahaan swasta yang peduli terhadap khasanah budaya bangsa yang dipentaskan di Taman Mini. Ukuran panggung yang besar dan luasnya kira-kira 20 meter x 18 meter dengan atap berbentuk persegi tiga ini merupakan panggung yang paling besar di Taman Mini.

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